Thursday 26 February 2009

Training feels ok... ...I suppose?

After spending the day-light time at the office (no difference to the situation from the previous weeks/months... :( ) , this week has been spent mostly on gathering the 12 training hours assigned to it by some maniac. If I'd be any more tired, I'd be asleep, that's for sure.

A bit of a background, so I'm on my second base period, last week before the "testing and recovery" -week, trying to balance between the normal human life and triathlon training graziness. 12 hours might not sound much, I bet the real tough guys get twice or even triple that much on the heaviest weeks of their training, but for me, it's plenty. Here's this weeks agenda:

Monday: 0:30 swim, 1:30 spinning (snow here at the moment),0:30 flexibility & strength
Tuesday: 1:00 run, 0:30 min flexibility & strength
Wednesday: 1:30 spinning, 0:30 flex & str.
Thursday: 0:30 swim, 1:00 run, 0:30 flex & str.
Friday: 0:30 swim, 0:30 flex & str. (was also 1:30 spinning, but we'll have to drive some 400 km:s to my parents in the evening, so I have to forget it)
Saturday: 2:00 run, 0:30 flex & str.
Sunday: REST, I hope. ...and 0:30 flex & str.

Going on thursday, I didn't expect to be this tired. Well, maybe the previous 2 weeks with 10h and 11h have also something to do with it.

However, the training itself is going ok. Basic endurance is the main target here, and I think I'm actually getting somewhere (even if the runs include having a dog and a 3-year-old in a stroller with me in the snow-paved roads). The swim is slowly delveloping to something that may even keep me afloat come summer, spinning is, well, boring (I do it at home in front of the TV), but it's already affected the "total income", e.g. the long runs seem to be getting easier and my running-pace has leveled up a bit.

The one thing that I actually do not understand is that the tiredness, weather or anything else have had no effect on the motivation. For some reason it seems to survive all the beating it gets... Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it does, it just, well, intrigues me(?) why it acts this way.

I guess I'll keep doing these things to myself as long the big M stays with me. Hopefully the time is measured in years rather than months...

(...or days..., I didn't hear that!!!).

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