Friday, 6 March 2009

On recovery and it's side-effects

Pheew, it's finally starting to be the end of this week, workwise and trainingwise. On the work issue I won't start talking here (you'd get dead bored in no-time), but on the training I might continue a bit.

As previously mentioned, this week has been the first systematic R & R week on my training schedule. On monday, continuing to wednesday morning, I had some quite extraordinary post-effects from the previous 3-weeks' rising training efforts. These included 1) fall-to-sleep difficulties (nothing serious, but real deviation from the normal lie-your-head-on-the-pillow-and-go behaviour); 2) REAL tiredness, I didn't remember how tiring it is to do absolutely nothing (trainingwise) for a day or two and 3) mental weariness, meaning being tired with the whole life as it was (work, family, hobbies etc.). For the 2 1/2 days this was really worrying (... to my wife, once again, as I myself didn't actually notice it until it started to wear off).

On wednesday evening things finally started to turn, and I could sleep the night ok. Thursday morning included a deep discussion with my better half about nearly everything in the world (we have these avery now and then :)) and suddenly the anarchy in my body and mind was over. Thursday's evening-run went ok, and last night I slept like a baby :) I actually woke up refreshed 15 minutes before the alarm (set up for 5:25 am) and had a really nice slow warmup before the morning swim (the swim-centre opens at 6:15 am). I guess my body finally got onto the super -part of the super-compensation ;)

An eye-opener, no doubt about that! And a note for the future training periods: Even if you think you don't need the recovery-week, suck it up, it'll do you good!

Ok, so that was that. I'll probably get back here in a few days as the test-run is due tomorrow or sunday the latest...

Train well in between :D

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